return policies

We gladly accept returns on most items purchased within 30 days, returned in their original condition (brand new, including original tags/packaging, unworn, unlaundered, not customized). To ensure items are returnable, try on items in a clean, indoor area. Footwear, equipment and apparel used at an indoor soccer facility or gym will show signs of wear and will not be considered new.

How to return merchandise

Planet Soccer offers return services at any of our four retail locations.

We cannot accept returns on the following

  • Items returned more than 30 days after purchase.
  • Used, worn, or laundered items
  • Items without the original tags or packaging (e.g., shoebox, GK glove bag)
  • Customized items (e.g., printed jerseys)
  • Parts of a set (e.g., pants only from a warm up suit or shorts only from a uniform set)

Customers sending back product for return that do not qualify within the parameters of The Planet Soccer Return Policy (e.g., over 30 days have passed, customized product, used product) will not be issued a refund.

Customers will have the option to have these items shipped back to them at their own cost.

Defective Merchandise

A defective product is defined as a product that is unfit for its intended purpose due to a manufacturing or design flaw. A defective product will show signs of being faulty within the first 30 days of use. For that reason we only accept defective returns within 30 days of your purchase.

An item’s price does not indicate longevity, merely the quality of the materials and technology used in its construction.

All items we receive labeled as defective are put through rigorous tests to ensure the product does in fact have a factory defect.

Due to the intense nature of the game, all items – especially footwear and gloves – will experience normal wear and tear.

Examples of NON-DEFECTS:

  • Footwear: Normal wear and tear; minimal sole separation, color loss, scuff marks. Excessive sole separation at toe area due to shoes being too big. Blistering of the foot.
  • GK Gloves: Latex Foam Deterioration; latex is a fragile material and may begin to wear away after minimal use (1 or 2 times) depending on playing surface, playing style, and amount of use.
  • Balls: Balls that have been punctured. Color loss and scuff marks.

All equipment may need replacement after a season of play due to normal wear and tear. Synthetic surfaces and indoor facilities will generally lessen the life of all equipment.

In the event that you feel that an item does have a manufacturer’s defect. Defective product evaluations are available by store managers at any of the four Planet Soccer retail locations.

For any items accepted as defective you will receive a merchandise credit for 100% of the original purchase price and standard shipping charges. This credit may be used on the same product, if available, or any other product(s).

for additional questions: